AXIS Media and Entertainment - Claims examples
Copyright infringement
A radio station is sued for uploading older news broadcasts that contained copyrighted music on YouTube. The music was only to be used over the air. A list of over 50 infringing compositions were at issue over a period of 7 years.
A broadcaster posts content on its website relating to various concerts occurring in local venues. A story runs regarding an upcoming content, and an intern at the station finds a photo of the performing artist on-line and posts it in conjunction with the story. The intern fails both to note that the photo is copyrighted, and thus to secure a license. The photographer files suit against the broadcaster for copyright infringement.
Claims examples may be based on actual cases, composites of actual cases or hypothetical claim scenarios and are provided for illustrative purposes only. Facts have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the parties. Whether or to what extent a particular loss is covered depends on the facts and circumstances of the loss, the terms and conditions of the policy as issued and applicable law.