AXIS Media and Entertainment - Claims examples
False light
A faith-based book publisher publishes a book on women’s issues written by a member of the clergy. The author’s biography appears on the back cover. Below the biography appears a book category listing which states “gay/lesbian studies.” The author sues saying the book categorization casts her in a false light.
A yearbook publisher was sued by a woman who complained that her photograph was used next to an article concerning safe sex. The plaintiff sues for false light, arguing that the proximity of the photograph to the article implies that she is sexually active.
Claims examples may be based on actual cases, composites of actual cases or hypothetical claim scenarios and are provided for illustrative purposes only. Facts have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the parties. Whether or to what extent a particular loss is covered depends on the facts and circumstances of the loss, the terms and conditions of the policy as issued and applicable law.