AXIS Media and Entertainment - Claims examples

A newspaper runs a story about a member of the local city council, and various allegations of impropriety that have been made against him. It prints a picture along with the story, of an individual behind his nameplate taken during a city council meeting. Unfortunately, the individual appearing in the photograph is not the counsel member who is the subject of the story, and the person who appears in the photograph sues for defamation.
A newspaper reports on the arrest of a minor, including the minor’s name. The minor’s parents sue for defamation and violation of a local state statute governing the disclosure of identifying information about minor criminal defendants.
A local newspaper reports on the arrest of a local resident. While the individual was in fact arrested, the court clerk erred in stating the charge, listing one that is more serious. While the newspaper relied on the clerk’s report, the individual sues the newspaper for defamation.
An American publisher published a story in which it reported a major film maker had propositioned a woman around the time of his wife’s death. The film maker sued in the United Kingdom. The court ultimately found for the film maker, awarding damages and his attorney’s fees.
A publisher wrote a comprehensive story detailing the actions of various Russians, including the laundering of money. One of the Russians sued in the United States alleging defamation. While the publisher was ultimately vindicated, the defense fees were substantial.
A magazine publishes a story about a well-capitalized political figure, and actions he allegedly took which they labeled as homophobic. The reporter who wrote the story also publicized it via social media repeating and expanding on the allegations. The plaintiff filed suit for defamation. The defendant ultimately prevailed on summary judgment following the close of discovery.
Claims examples may be based on actual cases, composites of actual cases or hypothetical claim scenarios and are provided for illustrative purposes only. Facts have been changed to protect the confidentiality of the parties. Whether or to what extent a particular loss is covered depends on the facts and circumstances of the loss, the terms and conditions of the policy as issued and applicable law.